Source code for henson_database

"""Database plugin for Henson."""

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import pkg_resources

    # Try to import Alembic to determine if command line migrations
    # should be enabled.
    import alembic.command as alembic
    from alembic.config import Config as AlembicConfig
except ImportError:
    alembic = None
from henson import Extension
from henson.cli import register_commands
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

__all__ = ('Database',)

    _dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(__package__)
    if not __file__.startswith(os.path.join(_dist.location, __package__)):
        # Manually raise the exception if there is a distribution but
        # it's installed from elsewhere.
        raise pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
    __version__ = 'development'
    __version__ = _dist.version

if alembic:
    # This class is only needed when migrations are enabled.
    class Config(AlembicConfig):
        def get_template_directory(self):
            return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')

def from_settings(settings):
    """Return a dict created from application settings.

        settings (dict): An application's settings.

        dict: The database-specific settings, formatted to use with

    return {
        k.replace('DATABASE_', '', 1).lower(): v
        for k, v in settings.items()
        if k.startswith('DATABASE_')}

def to_settings(settings):
    """Return a dict of application settings.

        settings (dict): Database-specific settings, formatted to use
            with :func:`connection_url`.

        dict: Application-level settings.

    return {'DATABASE_{}'.format(k.upper()): v for k, v in settings.items()}

[docs]class Database(Extension): """An interface to interact with a relational database. Args: app (Optional[henson.base.Application]): An application instance that has an attribute named settings that contains a mapping of settings to interact with a database. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Alembic migrations are supported. """ DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY': 'migrations', } REQUIRED_SETTINGS = ( 'DATABASE_URI', ) def __init__(self, app=None): """Initialize an instance.""" self._engine = None self._model_base = None self._sessionmaker = None super().__init__(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Initialize an application for use with the database. If database settings are provided by app as a dict rather than individual keys and values, expands them to the format expected by the extension's internal create_engine call. Args: app (henson.base.Application): Application instance that has an attribute named settings that contains a mapping of settings needed to interact with the database. """ super().init_app(app) if 'DATABASE' in app.settings: app.settings.update(to_settings(app.settings['DATABASE']))
@property def engine(self): """Return the engine. Returns: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: The engine. """ if not self._engine: self._engine = create_engine(['DATABASE_URI']) return self._engine @property def metadata(self): """Return the metadata associated with ``db.Model``. Returns: sqlalchemy.MetaData: The metadata. """ return self.Model.metadata @property def Model(self): # NOQA, not really serving as a function """Return a base class for creating models. Returns: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base: The base class to use for creating new models. """ if not self._model_base: self._model_base = declarative_base() return self._model_base
[docs] def register_cli(self): """Register the command line interface. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ # A try/except is being used here rather than suppress so that # any ImportErrors raised as a result of registering the # commands aren't swallowed. try: # import alembic # NOQA except ImportError: # Don't enable migrations. pass else: # Alembic is installed so the CLI should be enabled. register_commands('db', ( branches, current, downgrade, edit, generate, heads, history, init, merge, revision, show, stamp, upgrade, ))
[docs] def session(self): """Yield a context manager for a SQLAlchemy session. Yields: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: A new session instance. """ session = self.sessionmaker() try: yield session finally: session.close()
@property def sessionmaker(self): """Return a function to get a new session. Returns: callable: A function that can be used to get a new session. """ if not self._sessionmaker: self._sessionmaker = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) return self._sessionmaker
def branches(app, *, verbose: 'use more verbose output' = False): """Show current branch points.""" alembic.branches(_get_config(app), verbose=verbose) def current(app, *, verbose: 'use more verbose output' = False): """Display the current revision for a database.""" alembic.current(_get_config(app), verbose=verbose) def downgrade(app, revision: 'revision identifier' = '-1', *, sql: ( "don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard " "output/file instead" ) = False, tag: ( "arbitrary 'tag' name - can be used by custom " "scripts" ) = None): """Revert to a previous version.""" alembic.downgrade(_get_config(app), revision=revision, sql=sql, tag=tag) def edit(app, rev): """Edit revision script(s) using $EDITOR.""" alembic.edit(_get_config(app), rev=rev) def generate(app, *, message: "message string to use with 'revision'" = None, sql: ( "don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard " "output/file instead" ) = False, head: ( 'specify head revision or <branchname>@head to base ' 'new revision on' ) = 'head', splice: ( "allow a non-head revision as the 'head' to splice " "onto" ) = False, branch_label: ( 'specify a branch label to apply to the new revision') = None, version_path: ( 'specify specific path from config for version file') = None, rev_id: ( 'specify a hardcoded revision id instead of ' 'generating one' ) = None, depends_on: ( 'specify one or more revision identifiers which this ' 'revision should depend on' ) = None): """Generate a revision (alias for 'revision --autogenerate').""" revision( app, message=message, autogenerate=True, sql=sql, head=head, splice=splice, branch_label=branch_label, version_path=version_path, rev_id=rev_id, depends_on=depends_on, ) def heads(app, *, verbose: 'use more verbose output' = False, resolve_dependencies: ( 'treat dependency versions as down revisions') = False): """Show current available heads in the script directory.""" alembic.heads( _get_config(app), verbose=verbose, resolve_dependencies=resolve_dependencies, ) def history(app, *, rev_range: ( 'specify a revision range; format is [start]:[end]') = None, verbose: 'use more verbose output' = False): """List changeset scripts in chronological order.""" alembic.history(_get_config(app), rev_range=rev_range, verbose=verbose) def init(app, directory: 'location of scripts directory' = None): """Initialize a new scripts directory.""" directory = directory or app.settings['DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY'] config = Config() config.set_main_option('script_location', directory) config.config_file_name = os.path.join(directory, 'alembic.ini') alembic.init(config, directory=directory, template='henson') def merge(app, revisions: "one or more revisions, or 'heads' for all heads", *, message: "message string to use with 'revision'" = None, branch_label: 'specify a branch apply to the new revision' = None, rev_id: ( 'specify a hardcoded revision id instead of generating ' 'one' ) = None): """Merge two revisions together. Creates a new migration file.""" alembic.merge( _get_config(app), revisions=revisions, message=message, branch_label=branch_label, rev_id=rev_id, ) def revision(app, *, message: "message string to use with 'revision'" = None, autogenerate: ( 'populate revision script with candidate migration ' 'operations, based on comparison of database to model' ) = False, sql: ( "don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard " "output/file instead" ) = False, head: ( 'specify head revision or <branchname>@head to base ' 'new revision on' ) = 'head', splice: ( "allow a non-head revision as the 'head' to splice " "onto" ) = False, branch_label: ( 'specify a branch label to apply to the new revision') = None, version_path: ( 'specify specific path from config for version file') = None, rev_id: ( 'specify a hardcoded revision id instead of ' 'generating one' ) = None, depends_on: ( 'specify one or more revision identifiers which this ' 'revision should depend on' ) = None): """Create a new revision file.""" alembic.revision( _get_config(app), message=message, autogenerate=autogenerate, sql=sql, head=head, splice=splice, branch_label=branch_label, version_path=version_path, rev_id=rev_id, depends_on=depends_on, ) def show(app, rev): """Show the revision(s) denoted by the given symbol.""", rev=rev) def stamp(app, revision: 'revision identifier', *, sql: ( "don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard " "output/file instead" ) = False, tag: ( "arbitrary 'tag' name - can be used by custom " "scripts" ) = None): """‘stamp’ the revision table with the given revision; don’t run any migrations.""" # NOQA alembic.stamp(_get_config(app), revision=revision, sql=sql, tag=tag) def upgrade(app, revision: 'revision identifier' = 'head', *, sql: ( "don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard " "output/file instead" ) = False, tag: ( "arbitrary 'tag' name - can be used by custom " "scripts" ) = None): """Upgrade to a later version.""" alembic.upgrade(_get_config(app), revision=revision, sql=sql, tag=tag) def _get_config(app): directory = app.settings['DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY'] config = Config(os.path.join(directory, 'alembic.ini')) config.set_main_option('script_location', directory) # Alembic's needs access to the application instance to get # the metadata for the database. Because Henson has no application # context, there's no way to get the application through the henson # package. Fortuantely Alembic's Config provides an attributes # dictionary to pass arbitrary values into it. config.attributes['henson_application'] = app return config